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Bonus Bagging - Final Review

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November 21, 2011


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Bonus Bagging – Final Review

Bonus Bagging - Final Review

18th November 2011

Inspector Magnifique - Reviews Bonus Bagging



A 12-week test of Bonus Bagging is over and it is time to summarize what we’ve experienced so far.


The final figure says it all. The service helped us turning our starting bank of £250 into £908 gaining an impressive £658 profit. That means our bank has grown by 263%. There were no swings, the bank was never in danger and here is a copy of the steadily rising graph.

Bonus Bagging

It’s not going to bring you riches, but there are no claims to do so. The stakes are limited by bookies terms which makes the profits limited too; in most cases you can’t expect making more than £30 from one offer. Obviously, ‘increasing your stakes’ to increase your profit will not work here. Another concern is probably what most of us have thought of - the number of the bookies. It is true that once you use them all you can’t do it again, but that does not mean you no longer can profit from the service. As seen from the review there are reloads from time to time which can bring some nice extra cash (look at CL bets, for instance), though there will be definitely less action. From a total of 37 offers, 20 were free bets given to new customers and 17 were offers for all, new and existing customers. About half of them were running at WillHill.

I must admit I didn’t have many bookie accounts and even after opening 20 new ones there are still quite a number of bookies left. Of course,  more could be done in such a long period, but I felt comfortable with the slow pace.

Another thing to mention here is that I left out many casino offers which could give as much as £400 profit, but they are quite risky, of course.

The service is perfect for building up a nice betting bank from a fairly low investment. 5 stars out of 5 and well worth paying  £27.

Ease of use:

The method suggested by the vendor is pretty easy to use and most of the time you are not likely to have any trouble. Although, there can be difficulties. One of them is terms and conditions of a bookie. They are tricky and misleading sometimes and have to be examined carefully which impels us to spend more time on it. Certain offers require putting more effort into them, this is true for live betting and especially casino offers. For me it was so for spread betting as well, I was struggling to understand how it all works for awhile. The instructions provided by the vendor make the whole process a lot easier and nearly saved me in case of spread betting. I give 4 stars out of 5 on this.


The vendor claims his methods are risk-free and though this is true, there are risks involved even where they are not meant to be. Even when you do everything correct there is a slight possibility of something going against you, like wrong understanding of T&C or bet lapse, etc. Luckily this is a rare case and hasn’t happened to me during the review period. The only problem I had was with WillHill refund when I wasn’t eligible for the promotion but didn’t know it and participated.

Casino offers in turn may be dangerous. I omitted those risky ones  to be on the safe side. 4.5 stars out of 5 for risk.

Return on investment (ROI):

Unfortunately, I can’t report exact figures here as I didn’t  record all the stakes. I would advise having twice your starting bank. Not that my starting bank was not enough, but in some cases I had to use ‘reserve’ money (as with spread betting, for example). So in case you want to start with £200, you’d better have at least £400. That would help both to use the offers to full advantage and fasten the whole process. Besides, you never know when some nice reloads are going to come up. 4.5 stars out of 5.

Support and documentation:

Subscribers are provided with all the necessary instructions, spreadsheets and tools. The support was excellent for me, all questions and queries answered fast and communication was nice. An LTO reader described a bit of the opposite experience in the comment section of Week 12 post, but speaking for myself I have only positive impressions of the support. 5 stars out of 5.

Time needed to apply the system:

This calls to what’s been said in ‘Ease of use’ section, but normally it doesn’t take much time doing stuff with Bonus Bagging. However, if you want to ensure everything will go your way you need to spend more time. What I personally like is that you can choose how much you want to do and when. 5 stars out of 5.

There are some readers that won’t be able to take full advantage of Bonus Bagging service due to restrictions and limitations of bookies. E.g. Skybet does not accept registrations from a number of European countries. Spread betting companies currently allow only UK and Irish customers. This is a specific concern for people from Western European countries as they are not eligible for free bets and promotions at a lot of bookmakers. Readers from the UK and Ireland have nothing to worry, though.

Of course, as you exhaust the bookies on the list your profits will decrease and this is the major reason I’m giving Bonus Bagging 4.5 stars overall instead of 5.

[Click here to see the sales page for Bonus Bagging]


Inspector Magnifique

Inspector Magnifique - Bonus Bagging Final Review

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