The BetPlan Final Review
The BetPlan - Review Summary
Tuesday 15th November 2011:
Hi Bloggers,
Well the 90 days are up and I must say, overall I am quite impressed.
In total, The BetPlan service has offered 153 selections over the ninety day period, an average of 1.70 selections per day and found 78 winners which equates to an impressive 50.98% strike rate (There is a slight discrepancy between this and my record from The Staking Machine of 2 runners, I have 155 runners in the TSM figures that I posted in the reviews but cannot find where as I took everything from my main spreadsheet).
I have divided the selections into three equal thirty day periods in an attempt to see how a monthly review might look, based on the early odds and sp returns: nb: Each period below restarts with a new 1000 point bank for the 30 days.
Days 1 to 30: 17th August to 15th September 2011:
- Selections: 50 Winners: 26 S/R: 52.00%
- P/L from a 1000 point bank (using 5% ratchet staking plan): (E/O): +735.82 : (SP): +518.94
Days 31 to 60: 16th September to 15th October 2011:
- Selections: 48 Winners: 20 S/R: 41.67%
- P/L from a 1000 point bank (using 5% ratchet staking plan): (E/O): -138.30 : (SP): -157.50
Days 61 to 90: 16th October to 14th November 2011
- Selections: 55 Winners: 32 S/R: 58.18%
- P/L from a 1000 point bank (using 5% ratchet staking plan): (E/O): +1439.74 : (SP): +506.50
Overall 17th August to 14th November 2011:
- Selections: 153 Winners: 78 S/R: 50.98%
- Highest stake during trial: (E/O): 245.02 points : (SP): 117.53 points
- P/L from a 1000 point bank (using 5% ratchet staking plan): (E/O): +3267.99 : (SP): +1242.11
The first period was impressive with a nice profit, followed by a losing period. This second section however was looking decent until the system hit 6 losers in a row and the profit made before the bad run was in excess of 250 points. The big boost came in the last 30 day period with a very impressive profit. The highest stakes listed above could have been placed easily enough on Betfair though whether or not the bookie you choose to use would take them I simply cannot say, that would depend on what sort of limit they have on your own account.

Early Odds P/L Ratchet Staking

Starting Price P/L Ratchet staking
I have also run the results through The Staking Machine with level stakes betting:
Starting Bank of 1000 points and 50 point level stakes
- Selections: 153 Winners: 78 S/R: 50.98%
- Highest stake during trial: (E/O): 50 points : (SP): 50 points
- P/L from a 1000 point bank (using flat 50 points per bet plan):(E/O): +1548.50 : (SP): +864.50
- Longest winning sequence: 7 winners
- Longest losing sequence 6 losers
- Early Odds given at odds on: 45 (29.41%) 29 won (37.18%)
- Sp returned at odds on: 59 (38.56%) 40 won (67.80%)
- Best priced Early Odds winner: 19/09/2011 Yensi 4:50 Leicester at 5.00
- Best priced SP winner: 08/11/2011 Renard Lingfield 3:40 at 5.00
The daily emails arrived each morning with plenty of time to get the bets on and, as far as I can see, the odds available at the times the emails are sent look to be accurate but in order to get the early odds suggested, you would need to have accounts with most of the popular bookmakers. However, I have not checked for rule four’s regarding any non runners which would affect the early odds returns.
Harry, the owner of the system is easy to get on with, any queries or problems I have had have been handled quickly and efficiently. As with any system, there will be losing runs, I am as sure as I can be after only 90 days that Harry has called this right with the recommended staking plan as the figures above show that the 5% Ratchet plan on the EARLY ODDS method has a much better return overall, it just depends on whether or not you can get the bet on with the bookie or if Betfair have similar odds at that time.
My review is only over 90 days. What will happen in the future? I cannot tell but based on my assessment period and if the figures Harry has proofed with the Racing Index are correct, it looks good to me.
Using the Betting Bot:
Personally, I don’t use these things myself, I prefer to have my own finances regulated by my own hand (it may be an age thing) then if a mistake is made, I only have myself to blame. However, I have been running the bot on a simulation mode for the last 33 days and on the whole, things have gone smoothly enough although it went through a rough patch approximately two thirds of the way through the trial and hit a low point of 535.45 (bank down by 464.55 points). That would have probably been panic time had I been using real hard-earned cash for me but it did turn around and ended up doubling the bank over the 33 day period ending on 2110.60. These figures were based on bets placed on Betfair 30 seconds before the start time of each race involved.
The betting bots are not free so there will be more expense involved for anyone wanting to go down that route, both suggested bots have free 7 day trials but after that, BetSender Bot would cost you a one off fee of £83.00 while the other bot recommended by those at The BetPlan, Bet Minder Bot would cost you around £30.00 per month (That would be costing you £75.00 per month for the BetPlan Betting Bot method, far too much)! As I say, a betting bot is not my thing and my personal view is, if the email system alone can work, why bother trying to be greedy by making a little more at the risk of your betting bank declining while you are miles away from your pc?
Value for money:
At £45.00 per month (£47.00 for SMS), it is, for me, too much. I understand why the owner of the system charges a higher rate, as to send them out for £15 or £20 per month would draw too many people in and that could seriously affect the sp returns and may also have a negative effect on those who use the betting bot. I am also in the fortunate position of having the time to do my own form study and I enjoy that part as much as cheering a winner home but I can understand those who have a busy day to day schedule and need this sort of service for their betting. I believe, with the past 90 days results that yes, it is value for money but be prepared to have a losing run or two now and then, I am as sure as I can be that Harry has put plenty of time and effort into getting this right and would probably be tempted to join should my free time become less accessible.
All graphs and calculations above were produced using The Staking Machine a piece of staking software sold independently of The Betplan
Overall, I would give this service a 4.5 star rating.
Until my next post,
Inspector Adrian reviewing The BetPlan
Admin note: 17/11/2011
The vendor has told me the subscription for The Betplan is going to increase to £99 per month. This appears to be for other marketing reasons and not because our review has finished with a pass rating. However if you are interested in subscribing it would be a good idea to do so before the price increase (date as yet unknown) - Rich - Review Manager
well done on a good review and an excellent summary much appreciated as are all the reviews.
Thanks for the review. Could you possibly give the average odds bet and the level stake profit please?
I have just read your report and would like to make the following comments.
I joined Betplan on the 1st of October, having spent the last 20 years successfully investing information received from various Tipsters, I must say that I have not met a more upfront and helpful service than Betplan.
As mentioned I joined Betplan at the beginning of Oct and since that time using a Bot and the 5% Ratchet I have increased my bank threefold, which I think it is remarkable. I know it is early days but having looked at past results I am looking forward to more profit in the coming months.
I am rather surprised that after you have proofed for 3 months you can only give 4.5 stars!!!
In in long run… lets say over one year you will make a big loss with this service. I would not touch it.
Would you care to expand on your comment that this will lose money long term?
It’s rare that anything here gets a pass let alone 4.5 stars so what do you think is wrong with it?
Could you tell me please if there are any negative or positive reports about “The betshare Racing Club” and have you tested the Ratched Systhem yet?
Thank you in advance for your time.
Regards, Gerfried
Hi Ted, I presume by level stakes you mean single 1 point stakes? If so….
Early Odds: 30.97 points profit : SP: 17.29 points profit.
Average Odds: Early Odds: 2.56 : SP: 2.49
Average Winning Odds: Early Odds: 2.36 : SP: 2.18
Hope this helps.
Hi Cotswold,
Thanks for the reply, you are surprised that I only gave it 4.5? I think that in order to get a maximum 5, a system needs to have been proofed for a lot longer than the 90 days I had and no, I cannot accept the selections proofed to Racing Index as my job is to assess it as I see it, that was only over 3 months.
I think that 4.5 stars is something that Harry can be very proud of and I would be reluctant to give any service a maximum rating based on only a few short months of testing. Plus as/when the price goes up, I think the half a star should be removed, some people don’t even have £99 per month to bet with never mind paying for a system too.
Thanks for your review,
I realy look forward to your reviews ariving in my indox ,
I am realy thinking about joining the bet plan , I would like to use the auto bot because of my awkward shifts at work , but dont think i could afford it at this time, please could you tell me if i started with a bank of £300 what would you reccomend staking , and would it be worth while if they put the price up to £99. Im thinking would i make enough to make it worth while.
thanks for your reviews once again ,keep up the good work and look forward to your next review .
kind regards .
steve, (abbo)
Hi Steve,
Thank you for the reply.
I have just run the stats through TSM with your suggested 300 starting bank. My personal preference for my own betting is 5% maximum singles and based the test on that.
After the 3 month trial, your 300 would be worth 577.40
Your initial outlay:
Starting Bank: 300.00
3 months Subscription: 135.00
Betting Bot 83.00 (the cheaper option overall as the other bot would be a total of 90.00 over the 3 months):
Outlay: 518.00
Bank: 577.40
Profit: 59.40 (Over 3 months) 19.80 per month
However, using the recommended 5% Ratchet, the bank would be 720.70
Outlay: 518.00
Bank: 720.70
Profit: 202.70 (Over 3 months) 67.56 per month
Obviously, this would be your most expensive outlay as the bot would have been paid for.
Your bank would have hit its lowest point at bet 23 when it stood at 307.26 and your next stake would be 36.03
Based on the starting bank you are considering, I feel it would offer value at the moment but if the cost goes up to 99.00 (A rise of 120%) then I feel it would not really be worth it unless you could set a higher starting bank.
Hope this helps
Hi adrian,
thanks for your reply ,
Your advise has helped , I think i try and save a bit more , and try to double my starting bank to £600.
Thanks once again .
kind regards
steve, (abbo)
Hi All
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Adrian for the work he has put in on this review of our service, and of course the whole LTO team.
Hopefully it will give potential clients the opportunity to see and understand what we are trying to achieve BEFORE they join.
This in our view is very important, I’d personally would rather have a lot fewer members that understand and are committed to the road ahead.
The only thing I disagree over is value for money, to be fair Adrian hasn’t been told of our plans for the future. We are in the process of making a substantial investment into Mobile applications, which will make The BetPlan system a leader in it’s field.
Phase 1. will be launched in the next few weeks, which will meant selections, betting, bank management and results will be totally remote to a smart phone.
A few may understand the level of commitment this will take, in short every time I pick up the phone it cost me £50. So we are ploughing back a vase majority of membership fees into development. You won’t believe the amount of work on this, but now we are committed to get it right and it’s will be multi lingual for our international friends.
I’ll get asked the question why not just follow the system yourselves, yes we do, that’s why we can afford it.
We are developing this, because I have a personal problem with bookmakers praying on the small guy. (it’s a long story and maybe I’ll tell you one day)
My advice to any potential members are to read the review carefully, double check the results, read our blog. Then sleep on it, it is very important that you understand the service before you join it, so you have no surprises.
I wish you all well and hope to talk some time in the future.
i was reading the review of the bet plan..
So I came across “”Highest stake during trial: (E/O): 245.02 points”".. What does that mean?
also i would like to know what is the difference between early odds and SP.